SpaceX Starship

Spaceships and sending humans into space alive have been one of the great technological achvements of mankind. Many astronaust like Neil Armstrong, the first human to step foot on the moon, and Yuri Gagarin, the first person to be sent into space have stories have been made possible due to the advancements in space technology. Now SpaceX is looking to advance space travel even futher than ever before.

The Starship is one of their newest space crafts. At 390 ft tall, 30 ft in diameter and weighing over 100 tons, this ship will be the next level in space travel. Having the capasity to hold satellites, it will create the opprotunity for new missions that will benifit mankind.

SpaceX has big plans for the Starship. They plan for the Starship to be able to make a full rotation around the Earth, travel to the Moon, travel to Mars, and possibly past that. Thay plan for all of these things to become a "service" possibily in the future. Recently, SpaceX has been doing test ignitions of the Starship. This will hopefully mean, if everything goes well in the test runs, then a launch of the Starship may happened soon.

Jonathan Ng